ONX Chip vs App: Which is best for you?

Let’s compare onX chip vs app to find the best navigation support for your next outdoor adventure. The article includes the feature of onX chip and onX app followed by a comparison of onX chip vs onX app. We all have included reviews from a few hunters to help you understand the bigger picture.


ONX Hunt Chip

You must have heard about onX hunt chips if you use maps. These chips let you have access to maps either on your Garmin’s BaseCamp program-supported PC or the handheld unit you use for Garmin GPS.

Among many advanced features, some of the characteristics you will find on onX Hunt Chip are as below:

  • 985 million acres of publicly and state-owned lands visibility on the map
  • Visibility of 121 million names and boundaries of private properties
  • 9,568 GMUs hunting units
  • 41 million acres of potential properties that can be accessed
  • Prominency of Roads, Recreational settings, and Routes
  • Free updates for your Hunt Chip for the first year
  • Easy connectivity SD Adapter
  • Premium membership on onX hunt app for the first year on your smartphone or tablet
  • Premium membership of onX web map for your PC

The brand new onX hunt chip can be bought for $119.99. However, you can update your device after one year of purchasing for only $29.99 with the freedom to pay in years of your wishing.

If you already have a Membership, you can get the onX hunt chip for a discounted price of $89.99.

onX Hunt App

Gone are the days when it was difficult to get satellite imagery of landscape. onX Hunt App is the ultimate choice of hunters because it not only shows the public and private land boundaries but it also detects the movement of your prey.

Accurate Land Ownership Data Provision

onX Hunt App gives its users an all-in-one advantage with strictly marked land ownership of private properties on the maps. Using one App for hunting will not only provide the up-to-date detailing on maps but it also gives you the confidence within yourself with our accurate collection of data, its analysis, and layouts.

Live Weather Reporting Facilitation

The onX Hunt App provides its users with all live reports to help them schedule accordingly. It gives accurate reporting all in one place for your convenience. It broadcasts the following:

  • Live Weather Reports
  • Wind Directions
  • Sunrise and Sunset Timings
  • Barometric Pressure

Easy Making and Sharing of Waypoints

Now you can stop stressing about getting lost in the woods because the onX Hunt App provides you with the feature that allows you to make custom waypoints on your way to make things easy. You can also share your waypoint locations with your fellow App users and set a common meeting place.

Offline Service Feature

It now allows users to download portions of your map for easy access when users don’t have access to the service. You can now effortlessly save maps into your phone that makes your phone’s GPS available with live location and time without receiving the network.

Customization of Maps

The onX Hunt App lets you customize and show the information that you want. You can avail high quality clear Aerial Maps with a hybrid view and 24K Topo.

Measuring Tools provision in the Maps

The maps on onX Hunt App integrate high-quality tools that let you mark the distance on the maps. When you mark it on the maps, it shows the original distance between the points you have joined. You can point out hunting zones, mark the lines along with the properties, and make food plans for your trip.

Feedback of Hunters From Around the World

Customers from around the world have shared outstanding experiences with onX Hunt App.

“The best hunting app I’ve ever used!” – James

James, a customer, found the App very particular when it comes to hunting and helped to prepare him for every possible situation while on a Hunt The onX Hunt app has made it easier for him to predict the movement of his prey and the satellite imagery is just a “cherry on top” in his words.

“Out of this world!” – George Maxwell

George commented on the range coverage of the onX Hunt App by saying “No better app offers such a wide range of features than onX. The makers have prepared the maps with so much detail that have changed the way I hunt”. The App helps him with his strategic planning while hunting as it shows the movements and alerts in advance about the preceding weather conditions. He has 100% trust on onX Hunt App and recommends it to his hunting brothers as well.

“The OnX Hunt App is a treasure!” Samuel Adams

Samuel shared his hunting experience with us “I started using this App when I was hunting in the forests of Amazon. It not only helped me with the tracking and custom waypoints but it also lets my fellow hunter mates be in touch with each other. The offline feature of this App was a lifesaver for me. Without it, I would not have survived. This is a must-have tool for every hunter”

OnX Chip vs App: Comparison

The major difference between the Onx chip vs app is that the App is designed to be compatible with your smartphone or tablet. Whereas, the onX Hunt Chips are specifically modeled for your handheld Garmin GPS Units.


Both the products have been designed and constructed keeping in mind a standard set of benefits according to the needs of the users. Some commonalities in the onX chips Hunt Chips and App are given below:

  • GMUs Hunting Units
  • Roads and Trails
  • Recreational Areas
  • Land Ownership information of both Public and Government
  • 1:24K topographic supported


Here are the difference of onX chip vs app.

OnX Hunt Chips are more expensive

The chips are tangible products that need manufacturing and distribution among retailers. The onX Hunt Chips are produced in Missoula, Montana, and are then shipped worldwide. The whole process of production and distribution can get more expensive than a digital app. However, the onX Hunt App provides more features to its users.

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