Can a Felon Legally Own a PCP Air Rifle?

Can a Felon Legally Own a PCP Air Rifle?

“Understanding the Legality: Can a Felon Own a PCP Air Rifle? Discover the regulations surrounding felons’ ownership of PCP air rifles, exploring legal restrictions, potential consequences, and exceptions in different jurisdictions. Gain insight into the intricate intersection of criminal records and firearm possession to make informed decisions.” can a felon own a pcp air rifle? … Read more

Massive male cougar captured, tagged in 2018 by biologists legally killed by hunter in northeast Washington

Massive male cougar captured, tagged in 2018 by biologists legally killed by hunter in northeast Washington

Video biggest cougar ever killed A massive male cougar that was captured and tagged by biologists in 2018 was legally killed by a hunter on Sept. 9 in Eastern Washington. In 2018, the tom cougar weighed 197 pounds, its head was 56 centimeters in circumference and it was 9 years old, according to Bart George, … Read more